HarperImpulse is the (fairly) new imprint from HarperCollins, which specialises in romance - whether that's contemporary romance, rom-coms or regency rakes.
So in celebration of their first birthday last week, I've picked my three of my favourite books from their imprint so far... Here's to many more years of HI bringing us the love!
Wendy Lou Jones' delightful The Songbird and the Soldier tells of cross-lines and hearts and love letters between a soldier and the girl left at home. I've always had a soft spot for heroes in uniform, and Jones manages to paint the complications that come with being away from home for so long, and in such a pressured environment, beautifully.
An gorgeously written read which made me cry.
Recently engaged, one of the most stressful things I've had to face is how expensive everything wedding-related is in the face of our (comparatively) small budget. So Samantha Birch's The High Street Bride's Guide couldn't have come at a better time.
It's realistic, no-nonsense approach to avoiding spending your entire life savings on this one day, took a massive load off my own back, plus it's fun. And makes a hell of a lot of sense. I'm going to be glued to this over the next two years!!
Mandy Baggot's Made in Nashville absolutely enchanted me! Firstly there's the whole country music aspect (I might have been continually oscillating between Lady Antebellum and Dolly Parton on YouTube recently) and then there's the characters... Jared is utterly lush as heroes go.
But more than that, it surprised me. I read a hell of a lot of romance novels, and so to get one where something big (in this case we're talking massive) takes me by surprise, well...it's just great!! Well worth a read.