Monday, 29 September 2014

Amy Andrews Day!!

There has been an unexpected hiatus for a while on my blog; in part because work has been absolutely insane, and in part because I'm now an editor over at the Pink Heart Society blog.

HOWEVER, I bring you rather fantastic news - today is Amy Andrews day!!

Those of you who have been following me for a while are aware of my love of all things Andrews.  We're talking geeks and injured ex-soldiers, romance stories that deal with issues of abandonment and eating disorders.  And lots of really good, well-written sex - including the best phone sex scene I've ever read.  She's the person who got me to reconnect with Medical Romances and she's an award-winning writer.

So why is today Amy Andrews day?

Well, today is the release date of her first Entangled Brazen novel.  And what is EB?  On their website, they describe their stories as:

If you like your heroes hot, the sex hotter, and a swoon-worthy romance to swoop in and save your happily ever after, Brazen has the story for you. Sinfully sexy soldiers. Alpha cops who demand control. Sweet guys with a naughty side in the bedroom. At Brazen, we've got the hero destined to melt your... heart.
As you can imagine, I pretty much jumped for joy when Amy sent me her latest offering to read.

No More Mr Nice Guy is the story of Josie Butler .  When Josie finds herself single, she gets drunk and makes herself a sexy to-do list.  With explicit attention to detail.

But it's only when her best friend's brother, gorgeous vet Mack, finds it and laughs that she's filled with a new determination to see it through.

Mack's horror when he realises that good-girl Josie has gone to one of the worst bars in town, with the sole intention of proving him wrong and picking up someone to help her with her list.

It's not until he goes after her and - cue some incredibly hot sex up against an alley wall - discovers how bad they can be together, that he decides to ditch his nice guy attitude.

Josie is in for the best ride of her life.

Pun intended.
Now, I've read many books that are more than a little steamy, but this is why you should go pick up a copy of NMMNG:

It works.

Sexy stories are great, but usually infinitely forgettable.  When sex is one of the central components, it takes a damn good writer to balance that out with decent character development in a way that makes you want to read more.

I've read this three times in two weeks.

Three times.

And I still haven't quite got over it.  Not only have I been almost swooning on the Tube over certain scenes - wink wink - but I've also invested so much in the characters that I emailed Amy as soon as it was done, begging for a sequel featuring Mack's sister.

I defy you not to adore it!!

No More Mr Nice Guy is out today and you should go read it!!  If you want to know more about Amy Andrews, you can read her guestpost on Urban-Family Romances (inspired by her romance bookshop novel Risky Business), my interview with her when she won an award for Holding Out for a Hero, and reviews of The Most Expensive Night of Her Life and Girl Least Likely to Marry.